Painting the Past Stainblock is een hoogwaardige isolerend product op waterbasis waarmee vlekken zoals, nicotine, roet en looizuur (van bv. eiken) door nieuwe verflagen trekken en vlekken veroorzaken.
Painting the Past Stainblock is geschikt als isolerende tussenlaag om het doorbloeden van nicotine, looizuur en roet te voorkomen. Painting the Past Stainblock is lichtgrijs van kleur, dit geeft geen problemen als grondlaag onder lichte kleuren.
Painting the Past Stain Block is a high-grade water-based insulating product that prevents substances such as nicotine, soot, and tannic acid (for example from oak) penetrating new layers of paint and causing stains.
Painting the Past Stain Block can be used as insulating layer to prevent substances such as nicotine, tannic acid and soot from penetrating the paint. Painting the Past Stain Block is light grey., etc.
Painting the Past Stain Block ist ein hochwertiger Sperr- und Isoliergrund auf Wasserbasis, der das Durchschlagen von Substanzen wie Nikotin, Ruß und Gerbsäure (z. B. aus Eichenholz) und die Entstehung von Flecken in neuen Anstrichen verhindert.
Painting the Past Stain Block kann als Sperrgrund verwendet werden, um das Eindringen von Substanzen wie Nikotin, Gerbsäure und Ruß in die Farbe zu unterbinden. usw.
Il primer Stain Block di Painting the Past è un prodotto altamente isolante a base d'acqua che evita la penetrazione di sostanze quali nicotina, fuliggine e acido tannico (ad esempio dalla quercia) nei nuovi strati di vernice e quindi la formazione di macchie.
Il primer Stain Block di Painting the Past può essere utilizzato come strato isolante per evitare che sostanze come nicotina, acido tannico e fuliggine risalgano nella vernice, ecc.