Painting the Past Sealer is een hoogwaardige kleurloze, transparante matte vernis. Painting the Past Sealer is speciaal ontwikkeld voor gebruik op wanden en plafonds.
Painting the Past Sealer is geschikt als afwerkingslaag en extra bescherming van Painting the Past Matt Emulsion op o.a. sierpleister, behang, muurverf, glasvliesbehang en beschermt decoratieve effecten, sjablonen en wandschilderingen.
Painting the Past Sealer is a high-quality colourless, transparent, matt varnish. We have developed Painting the Past Sealer specially for use on walls and ceilings.
Painting the Past Sealer can be used as finish and extra protection for Painting the Past Matt Emulsion on surfaces such as decorative plaster, wallpaper, wall paint and, etc.
Painting the Past Sealer ist ein hochwertiger farbloser, transparenter Mattlack. Painting the Past Sealer wurde speziell für die Versiegelung von Wänden und Decken entwickelt.
Painting the Past Sealer kann als Finish und zusätzlicher Schutz für Anstriche mit Painting the Past Matt Emulsion auf Stuck, Tapete, Wandfarbe und usw.
Sealer di Painting the Past è uno smalto opaco, trasparente, incolore e di qualità elevata, appositamente sviluppato per l'utilizzo su pareti e soffitti.
Lo smalto Sealer di Painting the Past può essere utilizzato come finitura o come ulteriore protezione per Matt Emulsion di Painting the Past su superfici quali intonaco decorativo, ecc.